Employment Contract

Create New Contract

You can create an Employment Contract for your employee in the the "Contracts" app. Go to the "Contracts" app and click "New Contract"

Select the Employee for whom you are creating the contract and fill in the contract details like Employment Type, Start End, their Salary, etc. and click Submit

Request Employee Signature

Once you have submitted the contract, it gets saved with a "Draft" status.

For sending it to the employee for E-signature, open the contract that you just created and click "Request Employee Signature".

Once you have done that, the status will automatically change to "Pending Signature"

Employee Signature Captured

The employee will receive an email with the link to the contract that you have created for them. They can view their contract details and then digitally sign their contract.

Once signed, the contract will digitally capture the employee's signature along with a date timestamp and change the status to "Signed".

Last updated